25 November 2021
We all know that traditionally boxing day has always been the day we rush to the shops to get a post-Christmas Day bargain. There will be lots of advertising and hype to build up the frenzy. The property industry has also made lots of noise in recent years and led their clients to believe that this is a good time to launch your home and sit back and get ready for the buyers to be knocking on your door on Boxing Day! Well, this simply isn’t the case.
Why is it a big mistake?
Boxing Day is not a busy day for the property market and one of the worst for Rightmove visitors. Figures can look inflated as on the lead up to Christmas Day as we generally see a turn down in the market and Christmas Day naturally being the lowest. (2020 was an exception to the rule) On Boxing Day it might look like there’s a rapid increase but this because we’ve gone from 0 – 100 overnight. You may see your Rightmove browsers having a nose to see what’s sold recently whilst enjoying Christmas leftovers and a nice glass of something in hand. This is not the time that serious buyers are considering their options that's for sure.
We here at At Home always value the less stress moving experience, which is why we promote the benefits of launching in the New Year:
1.) No one wants people traipsing through their house whilst they are trying to celebrate the festive period with friends and family. Keeping your home tidy and presentable is a big ask at the best of times, let alone when over the festive season.
2.) Keep it fresh – if you launch on Boxing Day there’s a strong chance your home is going to look like it’s been on the market for a longer time than it has and is last year’s stock. Properties that are on the market for longer typically sell for less so you do not want to give this impression to potential buyers who might be tempted to lowball their offers at the sight of baubles!
3.) Everyone else is on holiday and half-hearted about anything other than chocolate and Baileys. Even if there are serious buyers in the market, there won’t be many of them so you might miss out on the best prices that come from multiple bidders.
Be prepared, photos before Baubles….
There’s nothing wrong with getting ready to launch your home before Christmas, giving you and your property the best chance to hit the market running beginning of January. The photos and advert can all be prepared in advance leaving you to put the decorations and Christmas tree afterwards, avoiding the need to have to pack them away earlier. Launching 1st week of January with viewings set up for when your house is clear and of presents and wrapping is perfect for everyone looking for a new start.
Speak to us today to get your photos ready before baubles!
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