
03 January 2023

During the winter months, when the temperature plummets and we turn up the heating, you might start seeing condensation appearing on your windows. When in small amounts, it is usually nothing to worry about, but over time the water droplets can develop into mould, which can lead to asthma and other respiratory problems. Therefore, preventing condensation and tackling any existing mould is highly recommended.

What causes mould in the first place?

Mould is a microscopic organism that grows when exposed to an organic material, oxygen and moisture. It usually destroys whatever it grows on, as it gradually digests it. Mould can also release tiny spores into the air that can be attached to mycotoxins and allergens that cause health and allergic reactions.

These tips below are designed to tackle mild and early cases of condensation and mould. Should you have any serious cases or concerns regarding mould, if you are a homeowner please contact a professional, or if you are a tenant, please contact your landlord or letting agent.

Tip 1) Use a dehumidifier

A dehumidifier will remove excess water from the air, lowering the average humidity level, as well as helping to get rid of pollutants, mould, damp and allergens. Dehumidifiers can be costly and take up a lot of space and energy to run, however they do come in a range of different sizes suitable for a range of different size rooms. Most modern dehumidifiers will also have an eco mode that will be quieter to run, whilst also consuming less energy. 

Did you know?

Dehumidifiers can also be used to dry your clothes and washing, and can be more cost effective than a tumble dryer. They help to draw moisture and allergens out of clothing, and cost almost a quarter of the running costs of a tumble dryer (£0.40 per hour for a dehumidifier compared to £1.55 an hour for the tumble dryer).

Dehumidifiers work best when they run for at least 48 hours, so despite the relatively lower hourly costs, they do not represent the best value for money for many people. Keep reading for more cost effective tips to get rid of condensation and tackle mould.

Tip 2) Baking Soda on the window sill

Placing baking soda in a bowl on the window sill can supposedly help to absorb moisture from the air, helping to prevent condensation. Once you notice that the baking soda has hardened, this is a sign that the baking soda has absorbed the moisture, and it is time to replace it with fresh baking soda. Whilst baking soda is a kitchen staple, if you do not have any, some claim that you can use table salt and have similar results. 

Tip 3) Be wary of how your shower contributes

One of the leading causes of condensation and eventual mould is from using your shower. Whilst cutting down on your shower time and lowering the temperature would help to reduce the buildup of condensation, these are extreme measures. Instead, after having a shower, take measures to increase the airflow into the room, such as leaving the bathroom door open or opening the window for half an hour. 

Tip 4) Houseplants are your friend!

Not only do they look and often smell great, houseplants will help you in your fight against condensation. They actively help to tackle humidity and condensation, one of the leading causes of mould. However, the moisture in the air won’t be enough by itself, you will need to remember to water them!

Tip 5) Use White Vinegar to get rid of mould

White vinegar is a good way of getting rid of mould from windows, especially if you do not want to use harsh chemicals. Mix one part white vinegar with one part water and apply it directly to the mould, and leave for an hour. Then, using a scrubbing brush and warm water, remove the mould. Remember to wipe the area clean and dry afterwards with a cloth. 

These tips can help to prevent condensation forming into dangerous mould, and to get rid of small amounts of mould caused by unavoidable lifestyle factors such as taking a shower or drying clothes. If your condensation and mould is minor and early, then try out these tips. Should your mould problem be more serious, please contact a relevant professional to deal with the problem.

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